Product details
Lab Incubator Manufacturers in Ahmedabad We are also supply in Andhra Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Goa, Gujarat, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jharkhand, Karnataka, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Odisha, Punjab, Rajasthan, Sikkim, Tamil Nadu, Telangana, Tripura, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, and West Bengal UNIQUE FEATURES: Ergonomic Design Negligible Maintenance Easy to use High Temperature Accuracy Lab incubators are essential equipment in the laboratory that provides a temperature-controlled environment to support growth of microbiological cultures. Other applications include coliform determination, egg incubation, heated storage, food and beverage testing, and pharmaceutical testing. CONSTRUCTION: Double walled construction, Inner chamber made of Mild Steel/ Stainless Steel 304 Q & exterior made of G.I. Sheets powder coated. Gap between the walls is filled with special grade glass wool for proper insulation to avoid heat loss and thereby saving energy. Inner door made of Acrylic to see through the chamber & external metal door is fully insulated with S. S. lock, hinges. Air Ventilation is provided on the top of unit to remove hot gases/ fumes. Supplied with galvanized wire mesh shelves. TECHNICAL DATA: Temp. Range: 5°C above ambient to 60°C Temp. Accuracy: With Thermostat: ±2°C or Digital: +0.5°C Temp. Control : Temperature Controlled by Thermostat Digital Temp. : Micro-processor based Auto Tune P.I.D Digital Temperature Controller with PT 100 sensor & Resolution 0.1°C. Dual display one for process value (PV) & the other for Set Value of Tempreture(SV) Power Supply : 230 Volts A.C 50 Hz Single phase HEATING ELEMENT: Heating is by specially designed heaters made of special grade Nichrome wire (ISI Approved) which is fitted at the bottom of the oven. OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES: Digital Temperature Controller - Micro-processor based Auto Tune P.I.D Digital Temperature Controller with PT 100 sensor & Resolution 0.1°C. Dual display one for process value (PV) & the another for Set Value of Tempreture(SV) Motorised Air circulation Blower for Universal Temperature. S.S Trays. Digital Temperature controller Cum Indicator with Timer. Safety Thermostat.