HOT AIR OVEN Memmert Type Manufacturers in Ahmedabad UNIQUE FEATURES: Ergonomic Design Easy to use High Temperature Accuracy Better Uniformity CONSTRUCTION: Triple walled construction, inner chamber made of Mild Steel / Stainless Steel 304 Q & exterior made of G.I Sheets powder coated. Gap between the walls is filled with special grade glass wool for proper insulation to avoid heat loss and thereby saving energy. The door is fully insulated with S.S lock, hinges. Air Ventilation are placed at left & right side for hot gases / fumes. Supplied with galvanized wire mesh shelves. The Lab Oven Memmert Type is a reliable and efficient laboratory oven known for its precise temperature control and uniform heat distribution. Ideal for sterilization, drying, and thermal testing, it is widely used in scientific and industrial environments.
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